Author: neil

How to Remove Domain Quality Adware

Domain Quality is a browser extension which supposedly will check a website’s quality or reputation. However, it is found to be an adware that will display unwanted ads on your computer. These ads are in the form of discount coupons, fake software updates, sale banners and pop-ups, online quizzes, technical support scams and the likes. Clicking these ads will send you to malicious websites to get money from you or infect your computer further. It may also monitor your browsing activities and prevent you from changing your settings back.

The Domain Quality adware is usually installed through bundled software without you knowing. You have to remove it immediately.

How to Remove

Are you always getting redirected to the site – Be wary because is a browser hijacker that will attempt to commandeer your browser search and homepage. This browser hijacker will send you to malicious websites to get money from you or infect your computer further. It may also monitor and collect your browsing activities, and prevent you from changing your settings back. is usually installed through bundled software without you knowing. Remove it immediately.

Email Asking For Proof Of Vaccination Possibly A Phishing Scam

It seems coronavirus cases because of the new delta variant are not the only ones on the rise, pandemic-related email scams are too.

Researchers at security firm Proofpoint found out that in June, coronavirus related phishing attempts increased 33 percent, compared previously when concerns about the virus temporarily waned. The increase came when Google searches for “delta variant” were peaking. This type of attack will only evolve to reflect new coronavirus concerns.

Phishing is a type of scam where hackers send emails in attempts to trick recipients into clicking a link or attachment. They know that employers or health organizations sending out communication about the coronavirus compels people to click as dictated by their emotion.

In line with this, the tactics have evolved together with the pandemic. When many Americans were out of work, phishing scams focused on unemployment claims as well.

We’re slowly learning to live with ongoing precautions of the pandemic, and the coronavirus, for many, has gone from a novel threat to a banal reality. And by banal, that means employers are asking for negative test results, return-to-work feedback forms and, in some cases, proof of vaccination. That’s certainly fertile ground for phishing and ransomware.

Next time you receive an email with coronavirus updates, or those from fake health organizations asking for proof of vaccination or messages saying you’ve been let go, stop and read closely and check for signs of phishing. Keep an eye out for misspelled Web addresses, grammatical or spelling errors and slightly altered email domains. Also verify requests through a second channel just to be safe. Hackers have poor customer service and won’t go the extra mile in stealing important information. These digital criminals move on to an easier target once there is even the slightest inconvenience.

How to Remove the KOOM Ransomware

KOOM is a ransomware from the STOP/DJVU family that will encrypt a user’s file (photos, videos, documents, spreadsheets, etc.) with the .koom extension. It will take over your computer functionality and lock your personal files until you pay a “ransom” in order to get access back.

The ransom note is in the form of a “_readme.txt” file which contains the following details:


Don’t worry, you can return all your files!
All your files like pictures, databases, documents and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.
The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
This software will decrypt all your encrypted files.
What guarantees you have?
You can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.
But we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information.
You can get and look video overview decrypt tool:
[different links per User ID]
Price of private key and decrypt software is $980.
Discount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours, that’s price for you is $490.
Please note that you’ll never restore your data without payment.
Check your e-mail “Spam” or “Junk” folder if you don’t get answer more than 6 hours.

To get this software you need write on our e-mail:

Reserve e-mail address to contact us:

Don’t fall for the trap and don’t pay any ransom fees! It disguises itself as a legit official warning when in reality it is all fake. With software, you can remove the KOOM ransomware easily. This type of infection can be downloaded on your computer for many reasons such as malicious websites, phishing emails, codecs, or downloads. Be sure to remove it immediately.

Spyware ‘Pegasus’ Infects Apple Products Without So Much As A Click

Internet security watchdog group Citizen Lab said last week, an Israeli spyware company named NSO Group developed a tool to break into Apple products with a never-before-seen technique that defeats security systems designed by Apple in recent years.

The spyware, named Pegasus, used a method to inconspicuously infect Apple devices without being detected by the victims. In the past, we could only learn that our devices were infected by spyware only after receiving a suspicious link texted to our phone or email. But NSO’s zero click remote exploit meant victims received no such warning, and the flaw enabled full access to a person’s digital life. It is considered the Holy Grail of surveillance because it allows governments, lawbreakers and mercenaries to invisibly break into someone’s device without tipping the victim off.

The discovery of this infection means that since March, more than 1.65 billion Apple products in use worldwide have been at risk to NSO’s spyware. Apple’s security team had worked around the clock to develop a fix. Ivan Krstić, Apple’s head of security engineering and architecture, commended Citizen Lab for its findings and urged customers to run the latest software updates for the fixes to take effect, by installing iOS 14.8, MacOS 11.6 and WatchOS 7.6.2.

Later this year, plans to introduce new security defenses for Apple’s texting application iMessage in its next iOS 15 software update, are expected.

On the other hand, NSO did not immediately respond to inquiries.

How to Remove the Web Paint Extension

Web Paint is a browser extension which provides users easy-to-use drawing tools to create shapes and lines, plus the ability to take screenshot. It has been found, however, to be a malicious ad-supported extension. It will display unwanted ads, pop-ups, and push notifications. Clicking these advertisements will send you to malicious websites to get money from you or infect your computer further. Once installed, this browser extension may also attempt to commandeer your browser search and homepage, and prevent you from changing your settings back.

The Web Paint browser extension is usually installed through bundled software without you knowing. Remove it immediately!

How to Remove ProSportSearch

It may look like a legitimate search engine but ProSportSearch is actually a browser hijacker that will attempt to commandeer your browser search and homepage. This browser hijacker will direct you to malicious websites to get money from you or infect your computer further. It may also monitor your browsing habits, display unwanted ads or pop-ups on your screen, and even prevent you from changing your settings back.

ProSportSearch is usually installed through bundled software without you knowing. Remove it immediately.

How to Remove Togo Quick Search

Togo Quick Search is a browser hijacker that will attempt to commandeer your browser search and default homepage towards the fake search engine – This browser hijacker will direct your search results to malicious websites to get money from you or infect your computer further. It may also prevent you from changing your settings back.

Togo Quick Search is usually installed through bundled software without you knowing. Remove it immediately.

How to Remove BettingSiteDefender

BettingSiteDefender is a browser extension which supposedly checks for blacklisted websites. However, it is found to be an adware that will fill your screen with unwanted advertisements. These ads are in the form of pop-ups and banners enticing users with fake coupons, phony software updates, surveys, tech support scams and the likes. Clicking any of the ads will send you to malicious websites to get money from you or infect your computer further. BettingSiteDefender will also attempt to commandeer one’s browser search and homepage. It may monitor your browsing history and prevent you from changing your settings back.

BettingSiteDefender is usually installed through bundled software without you knowing. Remove it immediately!

How to Remove GetMovieSearch

Getmoviesearch, as its name suggests, will supposedly help you search for movies fast and easy. However, it is found to be a browser hijacker that will attempt to commandeer your search engine and homepage whenever you launch your browser. This browser hijacker will redirect you to malicious websites to get money from you or infect your computer further. You will see unwanted ads on your screen as well. It may also monitor your browsing activities and prevent you from changing your settings back.

GetMovieSearch is usually installed through bundled software or extension without you knowing. Remove it immediately.